Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Imacu-national Conception

Jan thinks this is TMI*. It's a fun story, and such an amazing feeling to father a child. I just wanted to share / brag once again. Don't fret the blog is rated PG at worst.

The national championships always come with a feeling of excitement, great anticipation and a sense of adventure.
During the weekend of competing in my 1st Cyclocross National Championship Jan and I were lucky enough to have conceived our wonderful little Ella bean. It was only several months later, after some careful calculation and reflection that we realized this. And does Ella loves bikes! The whiz of the freewheel and rattling of cowbells, buzzing about in those early days of embryotic development is deeply ingrained into Ella's pleasure center. As evidence, one of Ella's favorite activities is cruising around the parking lot while grasping my handlebars and sitting on the top tube. She literally cheers for cyclists riding by the house, and yells "Bi, Bi" (she doesn't quite have the "k" sound yet) when I lug one of the bikes out of the basement.
Well, it seems as though we've done it again. This year's Mountain Bike Nationals were held at nearby Mt. Snow, VT. I made it my early season goal to upgrade to the expert class, qualify and compete in my 1st mtb national championship event. I was successful in all accounts and despite the rainy week leading up to the race, had a very fun and memorable week up north. Once again, after some calculation and reminiscing Jan and I figured that we once again conceived the week of nationals... Yup. Jan is prego once again! She's due in mid April and we are very excited to give Ella a little brother or sister to play and bike with. We can only hope the next baby shares our enthusiasm for adventure, travel and cycling!
Who knows, maybe I'll hit track nationals next year...

*too much information