Friday, November 2, 2007

Hitler's farts lead to insanity...

So, this has nothing to do with cross or even cycling, but...

I was thumbing through the Boston Herald (yes, the paper version) yesterday and discovered quite a strange headline. Sandwiched between a butchery advertisement and a health club coupon was an article detailing the phosphorous expulsion of one Adolf Hitler. The snippet outlined how Hitler had turned to veganism in an attempt to reduce his own noxious gasses. He was so embarrassed by the scent of his ass gas that he swore off meat and made a transition to an all vegan diet in order to lessen the extent of his offensive odoriferous output. Much to his chagrin the voluptuous veggie volume vaulted his vile ventilation to new heights (duh, veggies make you fart, idiot!). Hitler then hired a "doctor" to help him with his problems. Like any good doctor massive amounts of medication was prescribed, some of which contained arsenic rendering Hitler's thought process vegetable-like. Medical experts think that these medications may have lead to Hitler's mental instability and eventual insanity, thus Hitler's farts resulted in his ultimate insanity. What a douche!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Do you actually like watching?

You should see the looks on their faces when they ask, it's priceless! When we were in Granogue a woman playing with Ella looked at me and said "as far as spectator sports go this would be at the end of my list!". She was there to see her son-in-law for her annual race, and was obviously less than pleased.

No, I've been going to 2 races a weekend for the last 4-5 years of my life because my husband wants me to. Fortunately my mouth is much friendlier than my brain. I told her that we even drove 7 hours from Boston to watch this race! (with a big smile of course) That really put a contorted mug on her face.

But even my friends/acquaintances often ask me that, and I wonder how well they know me. I don't do things b/c I should, or am expected to. I love watching cross races and cheering on those brave (and fit) enough to get out there each and every weekend. Maybe it's because I received a ridiculous amount of support throughout my athletic endeavors. I really do mean ridiculous too. Whether it was my mom and dad on the sidelines of every soccer and basketball game I ever played, trekking to Canada, CT, NY and finding people to stay with my 4 sisters while we were gone... or my entire family coming out to Worcester on a week night (sisters and all) and cheering like mad people at one of our night games.... all the way up to my father clipping articles from the local paper to send to the basketball coach at Clark even though I was being recruited for soccer, because we met her while on campus and he thought she should know of my achievements. (So embarrassing!)

So do I like watching my husband and his friends compete and be so passionate about something that most people don't "get". I love it. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but I get so proud of him! I'm thankful that he has something to be passionate about (other than beer, chocolate, and Ella). I often wonder what people do on the weekends without having a race to get to. Seems like we would find something else to do, but seriously would I rather do housework all weekend or go to a cross race? Seems like an easy question to me!
